
NETWORKDAYS.INTL function in Excel can be used to find the number of working days between two dates. By default, NETWORKDAYS.INTL excludes Saturday and Sunday from the working calendar along with the dates supplied as holidays. The main difference between NETWORKDAYS and NETWORKDAYS.INTL function is that the latter has the option to define custom weekends.

Function Type

Date and time


Get the number of working days between two dates.

Return value

A number representing working days.




start_date – A valid excel date that represents the start date.

end_date – A valid excel date that represents the end date.

weekend – [optional] The number that represent a weekends. The table given below has the codes allowed for this argument and the weekend days corresponding to each code.

holidays – [optional] Dates to exclude from the working calendar.

Weekend NumberWeekend Days
1 (default)Saturday, Sunday
2Sunday, Monday
3Monday, Tuesday
4Tuesday, Wednesday
5Wednesday, Thursday
6Thursday, Friday
7Friday, Saturday
11Sunday only
12Monday only
13Tuesday only
14Wednesday only
15Thursday only
16Friday only
17Saturday only



NETWORKDAYS.INTL will consider both the start date and end date as work days. If the same date is used as start date and end date, NETWORKDAYS.INTL function will return 1, provided the date is not a holiday.

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