Table of Contents
The Excel SEQUENCE function is a DYNAMIC ARRAY FUNCTION that can generate a list or array of sequential numbers. The array can be one dimensional or two-dimensional.
Function Type
Math and trigonometry
Generate an array of sequential numbers
Return value
An array of sequential numbers
=SEQUENCE (rows, [columns], [start], [step])
rows – number of rows of the array
columns – [optional] Number of columns of array
start – [optional] starting value. Default value is 1
step – [optional] Increment between each value. Default value is 1
Example 1
Use the formula to create a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10

Example 2
To create an array of size 10 x 10 containing a sequence of numbers from 1 to 100 use the following formula

Example 3
Formula to create an array of size 5 x 7 containing a sequence of numbers starting from 253

Example 4
Formula to create an array of size 8 x 8 containing a sequence of numbers having a difference of 3, starting from 1500.

Example 5
The SEQUENCE function can also handle negative numbers and decimals.
Formula to create an array of size 10 x 10 containing a sequence of numbers having a difference of 2.5, starting from -7.8.

The FILTER function returns an array of values and these values ‘spill’ into the spill range on the worksheet. If this spill range contains any data, the function will return a #SPILL! error.
Excel Functions in Alphabetical Order (Complete list)
Complete List of Excel Functions (Category wise)