Table of Contents
The Excel SUM function is a MATH & TRIGONOMETRY function that can return the sum of values supplied into it. These values can be numbers, cell references, ranges, arrays or combination of all these.
SUM function in Excel can handle up to 255 individual arguments.
Function Type
Math and Trigonometry
Add numbers
Return value
Sum of numbers supplied into the function
=SUM(number1,[number2], ...)
number1 – The first value to sum.
number2 – [optional] The second value to sum.
Sum of Direct values
In this example, the SUM function is used to find out the sum of 3 direct values 10, 20 and & 30

Sum of values in individual cells
The following formula will return the sum of values in the cells B2, B3, and B4

Sum of values in a data range
The following formula will return the sum of values in the data range E2:E4

Sum of values in a two-dimensional data range
Formula to find the sum of values in the data range B2:F11

Combination of direct value, 2 cells references and a data range inside SUM function
The following formula will return the sum of values in the range B4:C7, cells C2 & B10 and the number 10

The SUM function will ignore Text values present in the data ranges or cell references used in it. If the data ranges or cell references contain an Excel Formula Error, the function will return an error.

To find out the sum of values in a data range that contains Excel Formula Errors, use AGGREGATE function.
Excel has a keyboard shortcut that will automatically insert the sum function.
ALT + = is the shortcut for AUTOSUM in Excel.
Excel Functions in Alphabetical Order (Complete list)
Complete List of Excel Functions (Category wise)