Table of Contents
The Excel UNIQUE function is a DYNAMIC ARRAY FUNCTION that returns a list of unique values (values that occur only once) from an array or a data range. Values can be numbers, text, dates, etc. The UNIQUE function can return values from single or multiple rows/columns.
Function Type
Lookup and reference
Extract unique values from a list or range
Return value
An array of unique values
=UNIQUE (array, [by_col], [occurs_once])
array – Range or Array from which to extract unique values.
by_col – [optional], By row = FALSE (default); by column = TRUE.
occurs_once – [optional] FALSE= all unique values (default), TRUE = values that occur once
To create a unique list of values in the range B3:B13, use the following formula
Another example with a dataset containing text, number, and special characters
To create a unique list of values in the range F3:F13, use the following formula
The UNIQUE function can also be used with horizontal data ranges. While dealing with horizontal data ranges, set the value of the second argument (by_col) to 1 or TRUE.
To create a unique list of values present in the horizontal data range C2:M2, use the following formula
The third argument in the UNIQUE function occurs_once helps us to find the values that occur only once. Set the value of this argument to 1 or TRUE to return the values that occur only once.
In the below example we have a list of items in the data range B3:B13.
To return the unique list of items,
and to return the list of items that occur only once,
Once more example with records spanning into multiple columns
To return the unique list of records in the range B3:E17,
and to return the records that appear only once in the same data range,
The Excel UNIQUE function extracts a list of unique values from a range and the result is a dynamic array of values. This array values will ‘spill’ onto the worksheet into a range that automatically updates when new unique values are added to or removed from the source range. So, if this spill range contains any data, the function will return a #SPILL! error.
Excel Functions in Alphabetical Order (Complete list)
Complete List of Excel Functions (Category wise)