Excel Job for Freelancers

Are you an Excel Expert looking for a freelance job?

Apply for a Got It Excel Expert job using the following link and start earning money right away!

Become an Excel Expert at Excelchat

Main Attractions

You can work from anywhere in the world

Payment process is automatic and you will be paid once in every two weeks for every successfully completed sessions.

Things to know before you apply

Every candidate has to go through two online test as a part of the selection procedure. First test is more of an objective nature which comprises of Intermediate to Expert level questions related to the use of Pivot Tables, Excel formulas and other features in Excel. Make sure to brush up your skills before taking the test.

Second test is a live session, where the candidate will have to solve an Excel problem in 45 minutes. In this session the candidate has to ask the client (in fact the examiner) about the problem politely, understand it, solve it and should explain the solution to the client if possible. Try to use good grammar and avoid the use of short forms and informal language during this session.

When you feel ready, ensure an uninterrupted internet connection and attend the test.

Wish you all the best!

Referral Disclosure: I myself work with Excelchat quite often and the link above is my personal referral link which will earn me a small commission for introducing an Excel Expert
