Find Common Values between two lists in Excel

This Excel tutorial is about 3 different methods to find the common values between two Lists or Tables in Excel. Here we have 2 lists of World’s Billionaires, one from the year 2015 and other one from 2020. Following are different methods to find the Names that are present in both lists. MATCH function to…

How to add leading Zeros in Excel

There are instances in which leading zeroes need to be added to a dataset in Excel, such as when maintaining Transactions IDs, Employee IDs, Zip Codes, Social Security Numbers, etc., In this blog post, we will see the different ways in which we can pad numbers with zeros at the beginning. TEXT Function in Excel…

Jump to the First or Last sheet of an Excel Workbook

Following are 4 different methods that can be used to Jump to the First or Last sheet of an Excel Workbook. Method 1 Holding the Ctrl key, left-click on the small right arrow present in the bottom left corner of the workbook. You will land on the last worksheet of the active workbook. Similarly, to select the…