Pick a random value from a list in Excel

In this blog post, I will explain two Excel formulas that can be used to pick a random value from a List. Following is a list of 6 contestants for a particular game. For each round of the game, a player should be randomly selected from this list. Let’s see how to pick a random…

Different Methods to select Visible Cells only in Excel

In Excel, when we Copy-Paste from a dataset containing hidden rows, the hidden rows also get copied. In this blog post, we will see 3 different methods to select only the visible cells in Excel. Keyboard Shortcut Alt + ; is the shortcut to select visible cells in Excel. Select the cells and press Alt…

Copy and Paste into Visible cells in Excel

Filtered Rows and Hidden Rows In Excel, Rows that we hide manually and those Rows get hidden while applying Filters, work in different ways. When we copy-paste a value into the filtered cells they won’t be copied into the hidden cells. At the same time, if we hide some rows manually and copy-paste a value…

Different methods to Reverse a List in Excel

This article is about 3 different methods to Reverse a List in Excel. Following is a list of candidates applied for a job. Let’s see the different methods to reverse this list for scheduling the interview. 1. Reverse the list using a Helper column Create a helper column with sequential numbers (for example 1,2,3,..) adjacent…

Connect Google Sheets to Excel

In this blog post, I will explain the step by step procedure to Connect Google Sheets with Excel using Power Query. Once a spreadsheet in Google Sheets is connected with an Excel file, the changes made in the Source (Google Sheet) will be reflected in the Excel file at the expense of a single mouse…

Import Facebook Friends list into Excel

How to import Facebook Friends List to Excel is one of my most watched YouTube videos. In this blog post I will explain this technique step by step, for those whose prefer reading over video lectures. Facebook has an information section, where we can View or Download all those data related to our Facebook Account.…