Different methods to find the Sum of first 50 Natural numbers

Following are 4 different methods to find the Sum of first 50 natural numbers using Excel. Formula using SUM and SEQUENCE function The following formula will return the sum of numbers from 1 to 50. =SUM(SEQUENCE(50,1,1,1)) For the sum of first 75 numbers, =SUM(SEQUENCE(75,1,1,1)) Formula using SUMPRODUCT and ROW function Formula that combines SUMPRODUCT and…

Different methods to generate Random Values in Excel

Following are 4 different methods to generate random numbers in Excel RAND Function The RAND function in Excel can be used to generate a random number between 0 and 1. The RAND function is a volatile function and will update every when the worksheet is recalculated. RANDBETWEEN Function The RANDBETWEEN function returns a random number…

Calculate Time difference and Total Hours worked in Excel

In this blog post, we will see how to calculate Time difference in Excel. The methods include calculating Time difference with Overnight schedules. Let’s say we have the ‘In Time’ and ‘Out Time’ of an Employee for a week. Following are the different methods to calculate the difference between the In and Out times. Simple…

How to Add Hours and Minutes to Time in Excel

In this blog post we will go through 3 different formulas to add Hours and Minutes to Time in Excel. Before jumping into the formulas we should know that Excel stores Time as Numbers. In Excel, 1 Day = 1 1 Hour = 1/24 (1 Day/24 hours) 1 Minute = 1/(24×60) (1 Day/24 hours x…

Shuffle Records in Excel

Let’s see how to shuffle the records of a dataset using the RAND, LARGE, ROWS and VLOOKUP functions in Excel. Step 1: Insert a column on the left side of the dataset and generate an array of random numbers in it. The RAND Function in Excel can be used for this purpose. =RAND() Step 2:…

Find Day Name from Date in Excel

Following are 4 different methods in Excel to find the ‘Day Name’ corresponding to a ‘Date’. 1. TEXT Function to find Day Name from Date The TEXT function in Excel can be used to return the corresponding Day Name, Month or Year from a Date. The following formula will return Tuesday, the Day name corresponding to the…

Show Formulas in Excel

3 different methods to display formulas used in an Excel worksheet. Method 1 Go to the Formulas tab in the Excel ribbon, Click on Show Formulas Once you click on this button, every cell in the worksheet will display the formula used in that cell, instead of the resulting value. To turn off of this…

Overline text in Excel

This blog post is about 2 methods to create Overlined text in Excel. Method 1 Enter the text to be overlined into a cell. Here, I am using cell B3. Use the following formula to create the overlined version of the text in the cell B3. Make sure to turn on the Wrap Text option…

Square and Square Root of a Number in Excel

Calculate the Square of a Number The following are 3 different formulas to calculate the Square of the number in the cell B3 Formula 1 =B3*B3 Formula 2 =POWER(B3,2) Formula 3 =B3^2 Calculate the Square Root of a Number The following are 3 different formulas to calculate the Square Root of the number in the…

Excel Formula to Convert Numbers to Words

Have you ever thought of an Excel formula that will convert Numbers to Words? i.e. A formula that can convert the number 456,571 into Four Hundred and Fifty Six Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy One. In this blog post, I am sharing two Excel formulas that can convert Numbers in Words. Pete M’s Formula =CHOOSE(LEFT(TEXT(A1,”000000000″))+1,,”One”,”Two”,”Three”,”Four”,”Five”,”Six”,”Seven”,”Eight”,”Nine”)&IF(–LEFT(TEXT(A1,”000000000″))=0,,IF(AND(–MID(TEXT(A1,”000000000″),2,1)=0,–MID(TEXT(A1,”000000000″),3,1)=0),”…